Art Therapy for an Academy in Fulham

An Alternative Provision school for ages 5-11 where 91% of young people are classed as disadvantaged, where most students have experienced adverse childhood experiences and trauma and have exceptionally difficult home lives.

A partner local Academy, where similar challenges are experienced, successfully piloted an Art Therapy programme using an on-site registered counsellor. Art Therapy was the preferred therapeutic approach because it is non-threatening and young people engage well with the ‘drop-in’ style provision, with many returning voluntarily on a weekly basis. Self-evaluation by students reported increased enjoyment of school and reduced stress levels as a result of the Art Therapy sessions. Staff reported improved behaviour and engagement with learning for those young people that attended.

The pilot demonstrated the value of having in-house Art Therapy support and sessions elicited a number of disclosures including suicidal ideation, self-harm, sexual exploitation and learning needs. Referrals were made to the appropriate agencies and additional support put in place. The involvement of a therapist where referral to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services occurred also helped streamline the process and prepared young people to better engage.

Despite the proven benefits, Art Therapy in schools is not covered by statutory funding.

The Foundation will fund a British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy/British Association of Arts Therapist registered Arts Therapist for one day per week for 20 weeks with a separate grant-making charity providing match funding for a further ten days of support.

The provision will be on a ‘drop-in’ basis where students can call in (or sessions be arranged in advance) to see the Arts Therapist on a nominated day of the week. It will be open to all students attending the Academy. In the longer term, it is the intention to apply for additional grants from other funders to maintain this provision.

Update: the Foundation has subsequently provided an additional grant to the partner Academy for a similar Art Therapy programme to support students aged 11-16 to cover a delay in their match funding application.